Tak brzmi Ziemia Niczyja

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“The Codeorgan analyses the BODY content of any web page and translates that content into music. The Codeorgan uses a complex algorithm to define the key, synth style and drum pattern most appropriate to the page content.

Firstly, the Codeorgan scans the page contents and removes all characters not found in the musical scale (A to G), and then analyses the remaining characters to find the most commonly used ‘note’. If this is an even number the page is translated in to the major pentatonic scale of that particular note, it becomes minor if there is an uneven number.”


3 komentarze

  1. k pisze:

    a to ciekawostka :)

  2. Zee pisze:

    Moja brzmi jak japoński Thom Yorke. Natomiast rotten.com – to jest dopiero kawał świetnego brzmienia;)

  3. klub.fm pisze:

    Świetne :)
    Ciekawe dlaczego dla jednych stron pętla jest dłuższa, a dla innych krótsza?

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