Poniższy fragment z zapowiadającej nową płytę sylwetki Fiony Apple z New York Timesa:
She started to climb that hill for eight hours a day, day after day, until she could barely walk, until she was limping, and then until she could not walk at all. Her knees required months of therapy.
“Something about that was a rite of passage,” she said.
Skojarzył mi się z tym wydarzeniem:
[Joanna] Newsom went down alone to a wild spot along the river. She stayed in the circle for three days, fasting, facing the river. Her best friend and some pals camped a few miles away, bringing her water and small portions of rice while she slept. She had assigned herself things to do but abandoned them all. She just sat there and watched the river, and, even more, she listened to it.
“I was a completely different person before I went to the river, and a completely different person after,” Newsom says.
Jeśli podobne okażą się też muzyczne konsekwencje rytuału przejścia, to za dwa tygodnie będzie czego słuchać. Zapowiada się pięknie.
Nareszcie. Dla mnie fajny miesiąc. Niedawno PiL, niedługo Melvins, a potem Fiona.